In CreateView, django-bootstrap-modal-forms is executing the form twice: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving the Issue
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In CreateView, django-bootstrap-modal-forms is executing the form twice: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving the Issue

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of django-bootstrap-modal-forms executing your form twice in CreateView? You’re not alone! This common issue can be a real headache, but fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of solutions.

What’s causing the problem?

Before we jump into the fixes, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing this pesky issue. The django-bootstrap-modal-forms library is designed to provide a modal form pop-up experience using Twitter Bootstrap’s modal component. However, when used in conjunction with Django’s CreateView, it can lead to the form being executed twice.

The reason behind this lies in the way CreateView handles form submissions. When a form is submitted, CreateView checks if the form is valid and if so, it saves the instance and redirects to the success URL. However, the modal form, being a separate entity, doesn’t know about this redirect and continues to process the form submission, resulting in the form being executed twice.

Solution 1: Use the `commit=False` trick

One way to tackle this issue is by using the `commit=False` trick in your CreateView. This tells Django to not save the instance immediately, giving you control over the form submission process.

from django.views.generic import CreateView
from .forms import MyForm
from .models import MyModel

class MyCreateView(CreateView):
    form_class = MyForm
    model = MyModel

    def form_valid(self, form):
        instance =
        # Do something with the instance
        return redirect(self.get_success_url())

By using `commit=False`, we’re telling Django to not save the instance immediately. We then save the instance manually, giving us control over the form submission process.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: This solution is easy to implement and works well for simple use cases.
  • Cons: This solution requires manual saving of the instance, which can lead to additional complexity.

Solution 2: Override the `form_valid` method

Another approach is to override the `form_valid` method in your CreateView and return a redirect response manually.

from django.views.generic import CreateView
from .forms import MyForm
from .models import MyModel
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

class MyCreateView(CreateView):
    form_class = MyForm
    model = MyModel

    def form_valid(self, form):
        instance =
        return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

In this solution, we’re overriding the `form_valid` method and returning a redirect response manually. This tells Django to redirect to the success URL without executing the form twice.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: This solution is easy to implement and provides more control over the form submission process.
  • Cons: This solution requires manual redirect handling, which can lead to additional complexity.

Solution 3: Use a custom form mixin

A more elegant solution is to create a custom form mixin that handles the form submission process.

class PreventDoubleSubmissionMixin:
    def form_valid(self, form):
        if self.request.method == 'POST' and 'modal-form' in self.request.POST:
            return super().form_valid(form)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

class MyCreateView(PreventDoubleSubmissionMixin, CreateView):
    form_class = MyForm
    model = MyModel

In this solution, we’re creating a custom mixin that checks if the request method is POST and if the ‘modal-form’ key is present in the request POST data. If so, we call the parent `form_valid` method, otherwise, we return a redirect response.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros: This solution is reusable and provides a clean way to handle form submissions.
  • Cons: This solution requires additional code and can be overkill for simple use cases.


In conclusion, the issue of django-bootstrap-modal-forms executing the form twice in CreateView can be solved using one of the three solutions outlined above. Each solution has its pros and cons, and the choice of solution depends on the complexity of your use case and your personal preference. By understanding the root cause of the issue and applying one of these solutions, you’ll be able to create a seamless modal form experience for your users.

Solution Pros Cons
Use the `commit=False` trick Easy to implement, works well for simple use cases Requires manual saving of the instance, can lead to additional complexity
Override the `form_valid` method Easy to implement, provides more control over the form submission process Requires manual redirect handling, can lead to additional complexity
Use a custom form mixin Reusable, provides a clean way to handle form submissions Requires additional code, can be overkill for simple use cases

By following this guide, you’ll be able to overcome the issue of django-bootstrap-modal-forms executing the form twice in CreateView and provide a seamless user experience for your users. Happy coding!

  1. Make sure to test each solution thoroughly to ensure it works for your specific use case.
  2. Consider using a combination of solutions to achieve the desired result.
  3. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Django community for further assistance or guidance.

Here is the FAQ about “In CreateView, django-bootstrap-modal-forms is executing the form twice”:

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve got the answers to your burning questions about django-bootstrap-modal-forms and CreateView!

Why is my form executing twice in CreateView when using django-bootstrap-modal-forms?

This might be due to the fact that django-bootstrap-modal-forms is designed to handle forms in modals, and modals can be triggered twice (once on page load and once on submit). To fix this, you can add a check to ensure the form is only executed once, for instance, by setting a flag in the form’s `__init__` method.

How can I prevent the form from being executed twice in CreateView?

One way to prevent the form from being executed twice is to override the `CreateView`’s `post` method and check if the form is valid before saving it. You can also use JavaScript to prevent the form from being submitted twice, for example, by disabling the submit button on the first click.

What is the cause of django-bootstrap-modal-forms executing the form twice in CreateView?

The main cause of this issue is the way django-bootstrap-modal-forms handles the form submission. When the form is submitted, the modal is triggered again, resulting in the form being executed twice. This can be mitigated by adding additional checks to ensure the form is only executed once.

Is there a workaround to execute the form only once in CreateView with django-bootstrap-modal-forms?

Yes, one workaround is to use a flag to track whether the form has been executed before. You can set the flag to `True` when the form is executed for the first time, and then check the flag’s value before executing the form again. If the flag is `True`, you can skip the form execution.

How can I debug the issue of django-bootstrap-modal-forms executing the form twice in CreateView?

To debug this issue, you can add print statements or log messages in the form’s `__init__` method and the `CreateView`’s `post` method to see when and how the form is being executed. You can also use Django’s built-in debug toolbar to inspect the request and response cycles.

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