Why does Flask seem to require a redirect after POST?
Image by Shar - hkhazo.biz.id

Why does Flask seem to require a redirect after POST?

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why Flask keeps asking for a redirect after a POST request? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this behavior and provide you with practical solutions to tackle this issue.

The Reason Behind the Redirect

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand why Flask requires a redirect after a POST request. The main reason is to prevent a common security vulnerability known as Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

CSRF attacks occur when an attacker tricks a user into performing an unintended action on a web application that the user is authenticated to. One way to prevent this is by using the Post-Redirect-Get (PRG) pattern.

What is the Post-Redirect-Get (PRG) Pattern?

The PRG pattern is a design pattern used in web development to prevent CSRF attacks. Here’s how it works:

  1. A user submits a form using the POST method.
  2. The server processes the request and returns a redirect response (usually a 302 or 303 status code).
  3. The client (usually a web browser) follows the redirect and makes a GET request to the specified URL.

By using this pattern, we ensure that the user is redirected to a new URL after submitting a form, which helps prevent CSRF attacks.

How to Implement the PRG Pattern in Flask

Now that we understand the reason behind the redirect, let’s see how to implement the PRG pattern in Flask.

Here’s an example of a simple form handling route in Flask:

@app.route('/submit', methods=['POST'])
def submit_form():
    # Process the form data
    # ...
    return redirect(url_for('index'))

In this example, when the user submits the form, the `/submit` route processes the data and returns a redirect response to the `/index` route.

Using `url_for` to Generate the Redirect URL

In the example above, we used `url_for` to generate the redirect URL. This is a good practice, as it ensures that the redirect URL is correct and takes into account any URL prefixes or suffixes.

from flask import url_for
# ...
return redirect(url_for('index'))

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When implementing the PRG pattern, it’s essential to avoid common pitfalls that can lead to security vulnerabilities or broken functionality.

Avoid Using `render_template` after a POST Request

A common mistake is to use `render_template` after a POST request, like this:

@app.route('/submit', methods=['POST'])
def submit_form():
    # Process the form data
    # ...
    return render_template('index.html')

This approach is problematic because it doesn’t follow the PRG pattern, and it can lead to CSRF vulnerabilities.

Avoid Redirecting to the Same URL

Another common mistake is to redirect to the same URL that handled the POST request, like this:

@app.route('/submit', methods=['POST'])
def submit_form():
    # Process the form data
    # ...
    return redirect('/submit')

This approach can lead to an infinite redirect loop, which can cause issues with browser behavior and caching.

Best Practices for Implementing the PRG Pattern

To ensure that your Flask application is secure and follows best practices, follow these guidelines:

  • Always use the PRG pattern for POST requests.
  • Use `url_for` to generate the redirect URL.
  • Avoid using `render_template` after a POST request.
  • Avoid redirecting to the same URL that handled the POST request.


In this article, we’ve explored the reason behind Flask’s requirement for a redirect after a POST request. We’ve also seen how to implement the PRG pattern in Flask and avoided common pitfalls that can lead to security vulnerabilities or broken functionality.

By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Flask application is secure, scalable, and follows industry standards.

Pattern Description
PRG Pattern The Post-Redirect-Get pattern is a design pattern used to prevent CSRF attacks.
CSRF Attack A type of attack where an attacker tricks a user into performing an unintended action on a web application.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the topics discussed in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Why does Flask seem to require a redirect after POST?” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

In the mystical realm of Flask, a curious phenomenon has been observed: after a POST request, a redirect seems to be necessary. But why?

Why does Flask seem to require a redirect after POST?

Flask doesn’t actually require a redirect after a POST request. However, it’s a recommended practice to prevent users from accidentally resubmitting the form data by refreshing the page or clicking the back button.

Is this a security feature?

Yes, it is! By redirecting after a POST request, you’re preventing a common web vulnerability called Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). This helps keep your users’ data safe from malicious attacks.

Can I just return a template instead of redirecting?

Technically, yes, you can return a template directly after a POST request. But this can lead to issues with browser behavior and make it difficult for users to navigate your app.

How do I implement this redirect in Flask?

You can use Flask’s built-in `redirect` function or `url_for` function to redirect to a specific URL after a POST request. For example, `return redirect(url_for(‘my_view’))` would redirect to the `my_view` function.

What if I don’t want to redirect after a POST request?

If you have a valid reason to avoid redirects, you can use the `flash` function to store a message and display it on the next page load. However, be aware of the potential security implications and take necessary measures to mitigate them.

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