Trouble Installing R Package rnaturalearth and terra? We’ve Got You Covered!
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Trouble Installing R Package rnaturalearth and terra? We’ve Got You Covered!

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Are you tired of encountering errors while trying to install the R packages rnaturalearth and terra? You’re not alone! Many R users have struggled with these installations, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to take you on a step-by-step journey to troubleshoot and resolve these issues once and for all.

Understanding the Packages

Before we dive into the installation woes, let’s take a brief look at what these packages do.

rnaturalearth: This package provides a collection of natural earth map data, including country boundaries, cities, and more. It’s a must-have for any R user working with geospatial data.

terra: This package is a powerful tool for raster data manipulation and analysis. It’s essential for tasks like land cover classification, remote sensing, and environmental modeling.

Common Installation Errors

If you’ve tried installing these packages and encountered errors, you’re likely to have seen one of the following messages:

 Warning: unable to access index for repository
  cannot open URL ''
Error: Failed to install packages: rnaturalearth, terra


 Error: package ‘rnaturalearth’ is not available for this version of R
Error: package ‘terra’ is not available for this version of R

Solution 1: Update Your R Version

The first step in resolving these issues is to ensure you’re running the latest version of R. Sometimes, package installations can fail due to compatibility problems with older R versions.

To update R, follow these steps:

  1. Open RStudio or your preferred R environment.
  2. Type install.packages("installr") and press Enter.
  3. Type library(installr) and press Enter.
  4. Type updateR() and press Enter.
  5. Follow the prompts to update R.

Solution 2: Check Your Package Repository

The error message may indicate that the package repository is not accessible. This can be due to various reasons, including internet connectivity issues or corrupted package repositories.

To resolve this:

Try installing the packages from a different repository:

install.packages("rnaturalearth", repos = "")
install.packages("terra", repos = "")

Or, try clearing the package cache:


Solution 3: Install Dependencies

Sometimes, package installations fail due to missing dependencies. Let’s install the required dependencies for rnaturalearth and terra:


Once you’ve installed these dependencies, try installing rnaturalearth and terra again:


Solution 4: Use the Development Version of terra

If you’re still encountering issues, you can try installing the development version of terra:


This may resolve installation issues, but keep in mind that development versions might be less stable than the released versions.

Solution 5: Manual Installation

As a last resort, you can try manually installing the packages. This involves downloading the package sources and installing them locally.

For rnaturalearth:

download.file("", "rnaturalearth.tar.gz")
install.packages("rnaturalearth.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")

For terra:

download.file("", "terra.tar.gz")
install.packages("terra.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")

Replace the version numbers with the latest available versions.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you troubleshoot installation issues:

  • Check your internet connection and ensure it’s stable.
  • Try installing packages in a clean R environment or session.
  • Verify that you have the necessary system dependencies installed (e.g., gdal, GEOS, and proj).
  • Disable any firewall or antivirus software that might be interfering with the installation.


We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you overcome the challenges of installing the R packages rnaturalearth and terra. Remember to stay patient and methodical in your troubleshooting approach, and don’t hesitate to seek help from the R community if you encounter further issues.

Package Description Installation Command
rnaturalearth Natural earth map data install.packages(“rnaturalearth”)
terra Raster data manipulation and analysis install.packages(“terra”)

Now that you’ve successfully installed rnaturalearth and terra, it’s time to explore the world of geospatial data and analysis in R!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble installing the R packages rnaturalearth and terra? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the installation process.

Q1: I’m getting an error message that says “package ‘rnaturalearth’ is not available for this version of R”?

Don’t panic! This error usually occurs when you’re running an older version of R. rnaturalearth is compatible with R 3.6.0 and later versions. Try updating your R version to the latest one, and then try installing the package again.

Q2: I’m getting a warning message that says “installation of package ‘terra’ had non-zero exit status”?

This warning usually indicates that there’s an issue with the package’s dependencies. Try updating your system’s GDAL and GEOS libraries to the latest versions. Then, reinstall the terra package using the command `install.packages(“terra”, dependencies = TRUE)`. This should fix the issue!

Q3: Why is the installation process taking so long for rnaturalearth?

Be patient, my friend! rnaturalearth is a large package that includes a lot of data. The installation process can take some time, especially if you have a slow internet connection. Try installing the package in smaller chunks using the command `install.packages(“rnaturalearth”, repos = “”, dependencies = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)`. This can help speed up the process.

Q4: Can I install terra and rnaturalearth using devtools?

Yes, you can! Install the devtools package using the command `install.packages(“devtools”)`. Then, you can install terra and rnaturalearth using the commands `devtools::install_github(“rspatial/terra”)` and `devtools::install_github(“ropensci/rnaturalearth”)`, respectively. This can be a good option if you’re having trouble installing the packages through CRAN.

Q5: What if none of the above solutions work?

Don’t give up! If none of the above solutions work, try searching for more specific error messages or troubleshooting guides online. You can also reach out to the package maintainers or R community forums for further assistance. Good luck, and happy coding!