Debugging 101: Error thrown when parsing returned values from a Graph SDK batch operation
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Debugging 101: Error thrown when parsing returned values from a Graph SDK batch operation

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Have you ever encountered the frustrating error “Error thrown when parsing returned values from a Graph SDK batch operation” while working with Microsoft Graph SDK? If so, you’re not alone! This error can be a real showstopper, but fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the depths of debugging and emerge victorious on the other side.

What’s causing the error?

The error typically occurs when the Graph SDK is unable to parse the response from a batch operation. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Incorrectly formatted requests or responses
  • Invalid or missing headers
  • Parsing issues with JSON data
  • Timeouts or network connectivity problems

Before we begin: Prerequisites

Make sure you have:

  • The Microsoft Graph SDK installed and configured correctly
  • A valid Azure AD tenant and client ID
  • A basic understanding of Graph API and batch operations

Step 1: Review the Request and Response

The first step in debugging is to scrutinize the request and response. Inspect the HTTP request and response headers, as well as the payload, to identify any potential issues.

Authorization: Bearer 
Content-Type: application/http

[Request Payload]
  "requests": [
      "id": "1",
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "/me"
      "id": "2",
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "/me/drive"

In the example above, we’re sending a GET request to the `$batch` endpoint with an `Authorization` header containing a valid access token and a `Content-Type` header set to `application/http`. The request payload contains a JSON array of batch requests.

Next, examine the response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/http; charset=utf-8

[Response Payload]
  "responses": [
      "id": "1",
      "status": 200,
      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
      "body": {
        "id": "user1",
        "displayName": "John Doe"
      "id": "2",
      "status": 500,
      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
      "body": {
        "error": {
          "code": "invalidRequest",
          "message": "Invalid request"

In this example, the response contains an array of batch responses, each with its own status code, headers, and body. Notice that the second response has a status code of 500, indicating an error.

Step 2: Validate the Response Payload

When parsing the response payload, the Graph SDK might throw an error if the payload is malformed or contains invalid data. Verify that the response payload adheres to the expected format and structure.

Property Type Description
responses array An array of batch responses
id string The ID of the batch request
status integer The HTTP status code of the batch response
headers object An object containing the response headers
body object The response body

Double-check that the response payload conforms to the expected format and structure, as outlined in the table above.

Step 3: Inspect the Error Message

Examine the error message returned by the Graph SDK to gain insight into the cause of the error.

Error: Error thrown when parsing returned values from a Graph SDK batch operation
Error details: {
  "error": {
    "code": "invalidRequest",
    "message": "Invalid request"

In this example, the error message indicates that the batch request was invalid. Review the request payload and ensure that it adheres to the Graph API’s batch request format.

Step 4: Verify the Batch Request Format

Ensure that the batch request payload is correctly formatted and contains the required properties.

  "requests": [
      "id": "1",
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "/me"
      "id": "2",
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "/me/drive"

Verify that:

  • The `requests` property is an array
  • Each request has a unique `id` property
  • The `method` property is set to a valid HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • The `url` property is set to a valid Graph API endpoint

Step 5: Test with a Minimal Batch Request

Try reducing the batch request to a minimal set of requests to isolate the issue.

  "requests": [
      "id": "1",
      "method": "GET",
      "url": "/me"

If the error persists, it may indicate a problem with the Graph SDK or the underlying infrastructure.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

When debugging the “Error thrown when parsing returned values from a Graph SDK batch operation” error, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Validate the access token and ensure it has the necessary permissions
  2. Check the Graph API endpoint and version used in the batch request
  3. Verify that the batch request payload is correctly formatted and serialized
  4. Use tools like Fiddler or Postman to inspect the request and response headers and payload
  5. Review the Graph SDK documentation and samples for batch operations

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue causing the “Error thrown when parsing returned values from a Graph SDK batch operation” error.


In this article, we’ve walked through a comprehensive guide to debugging the “Error thrown when parsing returned values from a Graph SDK batch operation” error. By reviewing the request and response, validating the response payload, inspecting the error message, verifying the batch request format, and testing with a minimal batch request, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle this error and get your Graph SDK batch operations running smoothly.

Remember, debugging is an art that requires patience, persistence, and attention to detail. With these skills and the right tools, you’ll be able to conquer even the most stubborn errors and deliver high-quality solutions that delight your users.

Happy debugging!

Frequently Asked Question

Troubleshooting Graph SDK batch operation errors just got a whole lot easier!

Why do I receive an error when parsing returned values from a Graph SDK batch operation?

This error typically occurs when the response from the Graph SDK batch operation contains unexpected or malformed data, causing the parser to throw an exception. Check if the response is properly formatted according to the Graph SDK’s documentation, and ensure that your code is correctly handling any potential errors or edge cases.

How can I debug and identify the specific cause of the parsing error?

To debug the issue, try logging or inspecting the raw response from the Graph SDK batch operation. This will help you identify the problematic part of the response that’s causing the parser to fail. You can also use tools like Postman or Fiddler to inspect the HTTP requests and responses, which can provide additional insights into the error.

Are there any common formatting issues that can cause parsing errors?

Yes, some common formatting issues include missing or mismatched brackets, incorrect data types, or extra whitespace characters in the response. These can be caused by a variety of factors, such as incorrect configuration, invalid input data, or even a bug in the Graph SDK itself. Make sure to carefully review the response format and syntax to ensure it matches the expected schema.

Can I catch and handle the parsing error exception in my code?

Yes, you can catch and handle the parsing error exception using try-catch blocks in your code. By doing so, you can provide a more user-friendly error message or take alternative actions to mitigate the issue. However, be sure to log the error and inspect the response to identify the root cause, so you can fix the underlying issue and prevent it from happening again in the future.

Are there any workarounds or fallbacks if the parsing error cannot be resolved?

If the parsing error cannot be resolved, you may need to consider alternative approaches or fallbacks. For example, you could retry the batch operation with a smaller payload or attempt to parse the response manually using a custom implementation. In extreme cases, you may need to contact the Graph SDK support team or consider using a different SDK or API altogether.