The Mysterious Case of Missing Cookies: Unraveling the Enigma in Chrome Browser
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The Mysterious Case of Missing Cookies: Unraveling the Enigma in Chrome Browser

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating issue of missing cookies in the first-party site’s request header when redirecting from a third-party site, only in Chrome browser? You’re not alone! This puzzling problem has been perplexing developers and engineers for a while now. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to unravel the mystery behind this anomaly.

What’s Cooking with Cookies?

Before we dive into the depths of this issue, let’s take a step back and understand the role of cookies in web development. Cookies are small text files stored on a user’s device by a web browser, allowing websites to remember user preferences, authentication details, and other vital information. They’re an integral part of the web ecosystem, enabling seamless user experiences and personalized interactions.

ThePlot Thickens: First-Party and Third-Party Sites

In our tale, we have two main characters: first-party sites and third-party sites. A first-party site is a website that sets cookies for its own domain, whereas a third-party site is a website that sets cookies for a different domain. Think of a third-party site as a external service provider, like an analytics tool or a social media platform.

Now, imagine a scenario where a user visits a third-party site, which then redirects the user to a first-party site using a 303 status code. This is where the magic happens – or, rather, where the magic goes awry.

The Mysterious Case of Missing Cookies in Chrome

Here’s the crux of the issue: when a user is redirected from a third-party site to a first-party site using a 303 status code, the cookies set by the first-party site are missing in the request header – but only in Chrome browser! It’s as if the cookies have vanished into thin air, leaving developers scratching their heads.

The Investigation Unfolds

To get to the bottom of this enigma, let’s examine the sequence of events leading up to the disappearance of cookies:

  1. The user visits a third-party site (e.g.,
  2. The third-party site sets cookies for its own domain using the Set-Cookie header.
  3. The third-party site redirects the user to a first-party site (e.g., using a 303 status code.
  4. The first-party site sets cookies for its own domain using the Set-Cookie header.
  5. The user’s browser (Chrome, in this case) sends a request to the first-party site, but the cookies set by the first-party site are missing in the request header.

Unraveling the Mystery: The Culprit Revealed

After exhaustive research and testing, we’ve identified the root cause of the issue: it’s Chrome’s same-origin policy and how it handles redirects with 303 status codes.

Chrome’s same-origin policy restricts web pages from accessing resources from a different origin (domain, protocol, or port) to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks and other security vulnerabilities. When a third-party site redirects to a first-party site using a 303 status code, Chrome treats the redirect as a new request, rather than a continuation of the original request.

This means that the cookies set by the first-party site are not included in the request header, as Chrome considers the redirect a fresh request with a new origin. This behavior is unique to Chrome and does not occur in other browsers, such as Firefox or Edge.

The Solution: A Clever Workaround

Fear not, dear developer! We’ve conjured up a clever workaround to overcome this hurdle:

Use a 302 Status Code Instead of 303

By using a 302 status code instead of 303, you can bypass Chrome’s same-origin policy and ensure that the cookies are included in the request header.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Another approach is to use cookie attributes, such as SameSite, to control how cookies are handled during redirects:

Set-Cookie: cookie_name=cookie_value; SameSite=None; Secure

By setting SameSite=None, you’re telling the browser to include the cookie in the request header even when the request originates from a different site.

Utilize a Proxy or Intermediate Redirect

In some cases, you can use a proxy or intermediate redirect to manipulate the request and include the cookies:

HTTP/1.1 303 See Other

The proxy or intermediate redirect can then forward the request to the first-party site, including the cookies in the request header:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Cookie: cookie_name=cookie_value

Conclusion: The Case of the Missing Cookies Solved

In conclusion, the mysterious case of missing cookies in Chrome browser, when redirecting from a third-party site to a first-party site using a 303 status code, has been solved. By understanding the intricacies of Chrome’s same-origin policy and employing clever workarounds, you can ensure that cookies are included in the request header, even in the most complex redirect scenarios.

Remember, in the world of web development, patience, persistence, and creativity are essential tools in solving the most baffling puzzles. So, the next time you encounter a mysterious issue, don’t hesitate to embark on a thrilling adventure to unravel the enigma!

Chrome Version Behavior
Chrome 80+ Cookies are missing in the request header
Chrome 79 and below Cookies are included in the request header

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Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with missing cookies in Chrome? We’ve got you covered!

Why do I lose cookies only in Chrome when redirecting from a third-party site?

This is due to Chrome’s default behavior of stripping cookies from redirect responses with a status code of 303. It’s a security feature to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. However, it can cause issues when you need to preserve cookies during redirects.

Is this behavior specific to Chrome or does it affect other browsers as well?

No, this behavior is specific to Chrome. Other browsers like Firefox, Edge, and Safari do not strip cookies from redirect responses with a status code of 303.

How can I preserve cookies during redirects in Chrome?

One way to preserve cookies is to use a status code of 307 or 308 instead of 303. These status codes allow the browser to preserve the cookies during redirects. Alternatively, you can also use the Set-Cookie header in the response to set the cookies explicitly.

What are the implications of using a different status code or Set-Cookie header?

Using a different status code or Set-Cookie header may have implications on the security and functionality of your application. For example, using a status code of 307 or 308 may allow the browser to cache the redirect response, which could lead to issues if the redirect URL is dynamic. Similarly, using the Set-Cookie header may expose your application to CSRF attacks if not implemented properly.

How can I troubleshoot cookie-related issues during redirects in Chrome?

To troubleshoot cookie-related issues during redirects in Chrome, you can use the Chrome DevTools to inspect the request and response headers. Look for the Set-Cookie header in the response and verify that the cookies are being set correctly. You can also use the Chrome’s Console to debug JavaScript code and check for any cookie-related errors.

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